Biomethane Potential (BMP) Testing

Analysing the biogas potential of organic waste

Organisations seeking to cut their waste disposal costs and generate revenue through bioenergy production are increasingly opting for anaerobic digestion technology. This well-established technology is used worldwide, with thousands of plants producing biogas from industrial, agricultural, livestock and food waste, as well as other organic waste.

The first step in considering an anaerobic digestion plant is to assess the biomethane potential (BMP) of the waste. crcCARE now provides a testing service using the new Automated Methane Potential Testing System-II (AMPTS-II).

BMP testing with the AMPTS-II provides valuable information that not only helps determine the optimal technical design specifications of a full-scale anaerobic digester, but also its economic feasibility.

Benefits of BMP testing

Although it is possible to estimate BMP based on available literature, the most accurate assessments are obtained when BMP is analysed from fresh samples of waste. This is because a number of factors (e.g. type of feed used for livestock, use of antibiotics, water quality) determine the quality and quantity of waste, and thus its potential for methane generation.

AMPTS-II represents the state of the art in analytical equipment for measuring biogas at a laboratory scale and replicates the operations of a full-scale anaerobic digester, complete with built-in mixing system, gas scrubbing and online volume measurement.

AMPTS-II can analyse the biogas potential of any organic waste sample, allowing crcCARE to provide BMP analysis for a comprehensive range of waste applications, including but not limited to:

  • piggeries
  • poultry farms
  • dairy farms
  • municipal solid waste
  • fruit and vegetable waste
  • wineries
  • bakeries
  • feedlot industry
  • abattoirs
  • beverages.

If you are interested in cutting your waste management costs and generating revenue from renewable energy production, contact crcCARE.