NRF Resources and Toolbox

The NRF toolbox contains guidance which can assist practitioners in their remediation work, but which is not part of the NRF. The toolbox provides additional resources relevant to remediation decision-making.

The National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (ASC NEPM) also offers a toolbox that contains information to assist with the application of the amended ASC NEPM, including spreadsheets for calculating site-specific investigation levels.

NRF Toolbox

The NRF toolbox contains guidance which can assist practitioners in their remediation work, but which is not part of the NRF. The toolbox provides additional resources relevant to remediation decision-making.



Below is a range of documents and guidelines that help practitioners manage and remediate LNAPL in soils, aquifers, vapours, and groundwater and cover the documented experience of remediation practitioners in Australia, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and North America.

The National Remediation Framework helps provide LNAPL remediation guidelines and approaches developed with the input of many environmental protection organisations, private companies, universities, and government institutions.


LNAPL / LCSM / PVI / SGC / TRH / MNA Guidelines

The documents below offer practitioners guidance on assessing, remediating and managing a range of petroleum-based site contamination.

Documents cover a range of topics including:

  • LNAPL management guidance
  • Quantitative LNAPL analysis and LCSM development
  • LNAPL remedial objectives
  • How to define LNAPL remediation endpoints
  • LNAPL remedial technology
  • The application of MNA
    • Sustainability considerations
    • Legal & liability considerations
    • Health & environmental risk considerations
    • Regulatory considerations
  • Site management planning
  • Developing conceptual site models
  • Investigation methods
  • Guidance and protocol documentation



The following guidelines provide information on how organisations can apply the technical considerations, requirements and options for assessing and remediating PFAS site contamination.

The National Remediation Framework helps to provide PFAS contamination documentation and guidelines that help practitioners stay up-to-date with jurisdictional and national guidelines, ensuring they have workable framework information to meet regulatory requirements.

PFAS / PFOS / PFOA / NEMP Guideline Documentation

The two documents below offer practitioners guidance on assessing, remediating and managing PFAS site contamination and a human health review of PFOS and PFOA. Both documents cover a range of topics including:

  • PFAS monitoring
  • PFAS inventory
  • Site prioritisation
  • On-site storage and containment
  • Transport
  • Reuse
  • Landfill disposal
  • Trade waste discharge
  • Data sharing
  • Notification
  • Sampling and analysis
  • Toxicokinetics of PFOS/PFOA
    • Uptake
    • Distribution
    • Bioaccumulation
    • Metabolism
    • Elimination
  • Toxicology of PFOS/PFOA
    • Acute toxicity
    • Health effects of chronic exposure: animal data
    • Human data: epidemiological studies.


Scoping / Information report

Below is a range of documents and guidelines that help practitioners in the dairy and winery industries to develop best practices for managing nutrients in many wastewaters.

Focusing on a proof-of-concept for the use of giant reed (Arundo donax) in constructed wetland systems and the management of nitrogen and phosphorus within soil profiles, these guidelines outline how the risk of soil and water contamination can be mitigated and how effective giant reeds are at stripping nutrients and organic material from effluent.

FWS / SFW / SSF / HSSF /  Dairy / Viticulture Documentation

The documents below offer guidance on assessing, remediating and managing the range of wastewaters created by the dairy and viticulture industries. They cover a range of topics, including:

  • Characteristics of winery wastewater
  • Variation in chemical composition due to seasons
  • Sodium in winery wastewater
  • Potassium in winery wastewater
  • Use of Arundo donax in constructed wetlands
  • Pollutant removal methods in wetlands
  • Wastewater treatment wetland designs.