Water management and remediation
Aligned to the Cleaning Up program students are investigating technologies and strategies for the management and remediation of contaminated water. They also investigate ways to address the limitations of existing assessment and remediation technologies as applied to Australia’s aquifers and waste water streams.
Aaron Katz
Novel solar-driven fibreoptic photocatalysis hybrid system for groundwater treatment.
Danius Sounthararajan
Evangelos Gatsios
Evaluation of LNAPL remediation technologies.
Gabriel Lago
Quantifying the risk due to LNAPL removal from impacted sites.
Mezbaul Bahar
Development of a cost effective novel bioremediation technology for arsenic contaminated water.
Shizhen Liu
Sukanyah Shanmuganathan
High quality water reuse through developing of membrane hybrid system for persisting organic pollutants removal including PPCPs.
Tanjina Nur
New adsorbents for removal of inorganic contaminants from water.
Thuy Chung Nguyen
Road-deposited sediment pollutants: analytical techniques for mobility, bioavailability and remediation.
Vidhyasri Subramaniyam
Biological synthesis and evaluation of nano-scale iron particles for remediation of contaminated soil and ground water.
Vimal Kumar
A cost effective method for remediating wastewater using algae coupled with simultaneous production of biofuels.